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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 9, Issue 5, pp. 781-978

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Solution of Certain Recurrences. II

L. Carlitz

pp. 781-786

On a Class of Nonlinear Integral Equations Arising in Transport Theory

G. A. Hively

pp. 787-792

An Existence Result for a Nonlinear Volterra Integral Equation in a Hilbert Space

Gustaf Gripenberg

pp. 793-805

Monotony Properties and Inequalities for Green's Functions for Multipoint Boundary Value Problems

Philip Hartman

pp. 806-814

A Stability Criterion of Diagonal Dominance Type

F. Nakajima

pp. 815-824

A Note on the Rayleigh Polynomials

E. C. Obi

pp. 825-834

Asymptotic Expansions of Fractional Integrals Involving Logarithms

R. Wong

pp. 835-842

Zeros of the Solutions of First Order Functional Differential Equations

Clement McCalla

pp. 843-847

$S$-Orthogonal Projection Operators as Asymptotic Solutions of a Class of Matrix Differential Equations

Erkki Oja

pp. 848-854

An Asymptotic Problem for a Positive Definite Operator-Valued Volterra Kernel

Olof J. Staffans

pp. 855-866

On the Asymptotic Behavior of Finite Energy Solutions of an Abstract Integral Equation

Olof J. Staffans

pp. 867-875

Estimates on the Existence Regions of Perturbed Periodic Solutions

M. Farkas

pp. 876-890

A Positive Kernel for Hahn–Eberlein Polynomials

Mizan Rahman

pp. 891-905

Interpolation and Approximation of Generalized Axisymmetric Potentials

Allan J. Fryant

pp. 906-914

Asymptotic Bounds of Solutions of the Functional Differential Equation $x'(t) = ax(\lambda t) + bx(t) + f(t),\quad 0 < \lambda < 1$

Eng-Bin Lim

pp. 915-920

Multilinear Generating Function for the Konhauser Biorthogonal Polynomial Sets

K. R. Patil and N. K. Thakare

pp. 921-923

On a Generalized Euler–Poisson–Darboux Equation

D. W. Bresters

pp. 924-934

The Scattering of Acoustic Waves by a Spherically Stratified Medium and an Obstacle

David Colton

pp. 935-942

Comparison Theorems for Linear Boundary Value Problems

James S. Muldowney

pp. 943-955

On the Oscillatory and Asymptotic Behavior of a Class of Differential Equations with Deviating Arguments

Y. G. Sficas and I. P. Stavroulakis

pp. 956-966

On a Nonself Adjoint Eigenfunction Expansion

D. Naylor

pp. 967-978